I am back at the day job today. I work in advertising, and it’s been… An exciting time to be in advertising, let me tell you. On the upside, it’s comforting to know that literally no one has any idea what is happening or what’s going on or what to do next. If they say they do, they are a grifter.
This is an exceptional time to be a grifter, as we’ve seen. I’ve learned to simply state things boldly and confidently; what people want right now is CONFIDENCE. Even if that confidence is false or misplaced or we are also uncertain, we CRAVE confidence right now. We are hungry for it.
People are more prone to fall for grifts during times of upheaval and uncertainty. This is also why cults become popular during these times. Bourdain said it best after 2016 election “People want a man to ride in on a white horse and save them.” I think about that a lot.
A lack of confidence in the face of uncertainty is NORMAL. I certainly have enough knowledge of history to know we are off the map. But running through the streets screaming isn’t helping. So I come to work – in convos with colleagues and clients – with a sense of confidence and gravitas.
Somehow, acknowledging to myself that I am AWARE that we are off the map and I am CHOOSING TO BE GRIMLY OPTIMISTIC AND CONFIDENT ANYWAY has been a helpful way for me to pivot. I find comfort in knowing humans have been off the map before. What tripped me up was when I expected us to be BETTER.
I was expecting PROGRESS. That we would learn from our mistakes and move FORWARD. I still occasionally close my eyes and hear Obama’s soothing voice saying, “Progress is not a straight line.” When everyone around you is panicking, there is power in remaining calm and confident.
We have been here before. The only way out is through.