Charge `em by the pound. Yea, that’s right, fat girls. What the hell is up with places like Eddie Bauer and L.L. Bean that don’t charge you for plus sizes? Who do they think they are? Hey, let’s start putting a “woman tax” on shirts. Afterall, if a woman’s got breasts bigger than a B, she should be paying extra, lousy bitty.
And here are some local blue-state hysterics who are pitching fits about the idea of the existence of Bad Ass coffee. No, no, they’re not even protesting by just not going to the place (you know, boycotting is the usual sort of protest for this thing) they’re just pissed that the damn place even exists. Messes up their cozy view of the world, apparently. Only good asses live in their world.
Speaking of boycotting and freedom of speech, Jeff Jarvis has been doing some research into the big bout of FCC fining bullshit that’s been going on this year (showing a white woman jumping into the arms of a black quarterback still rankles, apparently). Want to know how many of the 260M Americans in this country it takes to get a show fined and send all the networks into a censorship frenzy?
About three.
Over a million women had to march on Washington to get the government just to *think twice* about further tampering with reproductive rights and enforcing the ban on partial birth abortion.
But three people can scare the media into censorship.
Stand up. Write back. Send letters to the FCC saying that you’re against the censorship of free speech. Even 30,000 is more than 3, last time I checked. But then, this administration has fuzzy math.