I’ve been spending a good deal of time recovering from sickness and catching up on all the things that didn’t get done while I was sick. There were a lot of things.
I had several writing-related commitments to finish in addition to regular things like house chores, bills, and laundry. Got my book out to the Agent, wrote a recommendation for promotion letter for my academic advisor in SA, edited a paper for my brother, and have started in on my first contracted writing assignment for a software company.
On top of that, the Day Job has been busier than usual (meaning I’m actually doing things work-related during work hours), and everybody on our Indy team is wound a bit tight, especially Yellow, which makes working with him a little twitchier than usual. I’ve got a number of daily updates/reports to generate, which are annoying more than difficult. Been working on cutting myself away from work when it’s over. I’ve been letting stress get the better of me, which is likely one reason I got hit so bad with the flu. I need to wipe my hands of work when I leave the office. It’s just not worth stressing over. I’m not going to be doing this stuff much longer.
B is in town this weekend (yay!!), and we’re snagging a hotel for a couple of nights because Jenn has a couple of friends in for the weekend and, well, we’ve only got one bathroom, alas. Looking forward to eating junk food, watching boxing and movies, and going to the Field Museum with B. And sleeping. And sex.
You know, good stuff like that.
I’ll be heading back to the gym next week. After a week and change out with sickness, I started back up on my morning free weights this week, so I figure progressing to gym work next week is a nice, steady way to get back into things. I really don’t want to wear myself down and get sick again.
The real fun month will be November. I’ve got the World Fantasy Con in Madison from the 4-6, flying to NY to visit B the 18-20th, and visiting my buddy Stephanie and her husband Ian in Ohio from the 23-26 (I’m bringing the wine, baby!). I’ve got more traveling in December. Because of B’s school schedule, I’ll probably be doing NY again December 16-18th and then hitting my parents’ place for the holidays from the 22-28th.
There are a few more things that need to start happening in these next couple of months, too. I need to get out my application for the MFA program at Brooklyn College, and I need to start putting away money for my move to NY next July. I’ve been doing preliminary work looking into prices/areas of Brooklyn/Queens/Manhattan and looking at what sorts of jobs are available, and that process will increase in intensity as the time for movement nears. We’ll need to start looking in earnest for a place in April, and by May I need to be looking into jobs if the BC College thing doesn’t pan out. And, of course, temp jobs if it does. And let us not forget that my book God’s War has a January completion date.
Busy life, good life.