Who is Kameron Hurley?

“Hurley is one of the most important voices in the field.”

James SA Corey, author of The Expanse series

“a brave, unflinching, truly original writer with a unique vision—her fiction burns right through your brain and your heart.” 

Jeff VanderMeer, author of Annihilation

“Kameron Hurley’s writing is the most exciting thing I’ve seen on the genre page.”

Richard K. Morgan, author of Altered Carbon

Hurley is also the author of the award-winning essay collection The Geek Feminist Revolution, featuring the viral hit, “We Have Always Fought. ” Essays from the collection have also been featured in The Huffington Post, Bitch Magazine, and Tor.com. Her nonfiction credits include The Atlantic, The Village Voice, LA Weekly, Writers Digest, and Entertainment Weekly. She also previously wrote a regular column for Locus Magazine. Her numerous short fiction credits include Popular Science Magazine, Lightspeedand Amazing Stories as well as many anthologies. Her work can be enjoyed in nearly a dozen languages. 

A graduate of Clarion West, Hurley has also been a guest lecturer at the Alpha Writing Workshop, a Stollee guest lecturer at Buena Vista University, a LITA President’s Program speaker, and taught copywriting at the School of Advertising Art. Hurley has a Bachelor’s Degree in historical studies from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and a Master’s in History from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, specializing in the history of South African resistance movements.

She currently lives in Ohio, where she’s cultivating an urban homestead.


Kameron Hurley is the author of the the upcoming science fiction thriller, These Savage Stars (2026), The Light BrigadeThe Stars are Legion and many other titles. Hurley’s work has been awarded the Hugo Award, Locus Award, Kitschy Award, and Sydney J. Bounds Award. She was also a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award, the Nebula Award, Dragon Award, and the Gemmell Morningstar Award. Her short fiction has appeared in Popular Science MagazineLightspeed and numerous anthologies. Hurley has also written for The AtlanticWriters DigestEntertainment Weekly,The Village Voice, LA WeeklyBitch Magazine, and Locus Magazine. She posts regularly at KameronHurley.com.

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CONTACT | Hannah Bowman | HBowman@LizaDawson.com

Liza Dawson Associates Literary Agency
350 7TH AVENUE, SUITE 2003
NEW YORK, NY 10001

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