- “When Should You Compromise? How to Evaluate Editorial Feedback.” Locus Magazine. August 2021.
- “Endings (And Beginnings).” Locus Magazine. June 2021.
- “Plotting The Way Forward.” Locus Magazine, April 2021.
- “How To Survive A Decade In Publishing.” Locus Magazine, February 2021.
- “It’s Easy Being The Bad Guy.” Locus Magazine, December 2020.
- “Measuring Life in Keurig Cups.” Locus Magazine, October 2020.
- “Of Men and Monsters.” Locus Magazine, August 2020.
- “It’s OK if this Email Finds You Well.” Locus Magazine, June 2020.
- “The Tricky Finances of the Adjunct Writer.” Locus Magazine, April 2020.
- “Into the Raging ’20s, We Ride.” Locus Magazine. January 2020.
- “The Power of Giving a Damn.” Locus Magazine. December 2019.
- “Why Does Writing Books Get Tougher Instead of Easier?” Locus Magazine. October 2019.
- “Writing Through the News Cycle.” Locus Magazine. August 2019.
- “The Singular Cure for Burnout.” Locus Magazine. June 2019.
- “The Future Is Intrinsically Hopeful.” Locus Magazine. April 2019.
- “Are You Overthinking It?” Locus Magazine. February 2019.
- “Genre Conventions and Conferences: What Makes Great Events.” Locus Magazine. December, 2018.
- “Building the Story of Ourselves.“ Locus Magazine. October, 2018.
- “So You Still Have a Day Job…” Locus Magazine. August, 2018.
- “Five Books That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity” Tor.com. July, 2018.
- “On Patience, Goal-Setting, and Gardening.” Locus Magazine. June, 2018.
- “Writing is Hard, and That’s OK.” Locus Magazine. April, 2018.
- “What I’ve Learned About Being a Writer.” Locus Magazine. February, 2018.
- “Fear, Procrastination, and the Thorny Problem of Demanding What You’re Worth.” Locus Magazine. December, 2017.
- “What Comes After the Ship Is Sunk?” Locus Magazine. October, 2017.
- “Did “Being a Writer” Ever Mean… Just Writing?” Locus Magazine. August, 2017.
- “Story isn’t just ‘stuff happens’.“ Locus Magazine. June, 2017.
- “How to Write a book in a Month.” Locus Magazine. April, 2017.
- “Science Fiction and Fantasy Worlds: How to Build Fantastic Worlds.” Writers Digest. March. 2017.
- “10 Things I learned from Failure.” Female First. February, 2017.
- “Let’s Build More Hopeful Futures: A Call to Arms.” The Mary Sue. February, 2017.
- “If You Want to Level Up, Get Back to the Basics.” Locus Magazine. February 2017.
- “Who Owns the Stars? Creating a Space Opera Universe.” Tor.com. February, 2017.
- “What Will Sink Our Generation Ships? The Death of Wonder.” Boing Boing. February, 2017.
- “There Have Always Been Times Like These.” Locus Magazine. December, 2016.
- “Westworld and the Gamefication of Who Gets to Be Human.” The Village Voice/LA Weekly. October, 2016.
- “The Mission Driven Writing Career.” Locus Magazine. October, 2016.
- “When to Quit your Day Job.” Locus Magazine. August, 2016.
- “Female Rage Doesn’t Exist in a Vacuum.” The Huffington Post. July, 2016.
- “Games Worth Staying in For.” Entertainment Weekly. June 3/10, 2016.
- “Hard Publishing Truths: Relationships Matter.” Locus Magazine. June, 2016.
- “In Defense of Unlikable Women.” Bitch Magazine. May, 2016.
- “Cultivating Inspiration on Deadline.” Locus Magazine, April, 2016.
- “The Sad Economics of Writing Short Fiction.” Locus Magazine, February, 2016.
- “When the Writing Sprint Goes Wrong.” Locus Magazine, December, 2015.
- “On Career-Building: The Marathon in the Desert.” Locus Magazine, October, 2015.
- “Your Author Meltdown Will be Live-Tweeted.” Locus Magazine, August, 2015.
- “Money, Fame, Noteriety: What are we self-publishing for?” Locus Magazine, June 2015.
- “Hijacking the Hugo Awards Won’t Stifle Diversity in Science Fiction.” The Atlantic. May, 2015.
- “I Don’t Care About Your MFA: On Writing vs. Storytelling.” Uncanny Magazine, May 2015.
- “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: On Empathy and the Power of Privilege.” Speculative Fiction 2014. May, 2015
- “Hijacking the Hugo Awards Won’t Stifle Diversity in Science Fiction.” The Atlantic. April, 2015.
- “Who are We Writing For? On Knowing When to Listen to the Haters, and When to Laugh.” Locus Magazine. April, 2015.
- “The Privilege to Publish, the Power to Persevere.” Locus Magazine. February 2015.
- “Publishing’s Not Dying, It’s Diversifying (and you should too).” Locus Magazine. December 2014
- “I Love Writing Books, So I Need to Get Better at Writing Them.” Tor.com. November 2014
- “Cultivating Wonder: Robert Jackson Bennett’s CITY OF STAIRS.” Tor.com. September, 2014
- “Language and Imaginative Resistance in Epic Fantasy.” Fantasy Magazine, Special Issue:Women Destroy Fantasy. October, 2014.
- “The Status Quo is Not a Neutral Position: Writing and Politics.” Locus Magazine. October, 2014
- “People Don’t Buy Books They Don’t Know About (even great ones).” Locus Magazine. August, 2014
- “We Have Always Fought.” Women Destroy Science Fiction. June, 2014
- “Busting Down the Romantic Myth of Writing Fiction, and Mitigating Author Burnout.” Locus Magazine. June, 2014
- “We Have Always Fought.” Speculative Fiction 2013. April, 2014
- “Making Excuses for Science Fiction.” Locus Magazine. December, 2013
- “Everybody Already Knows: How Silence in Publishing Hurts Authors.” Locus Magazine. October, 2013
- “Boys with babies and women with knives: Rethinking gender assumptionist power structures.” Speculative Fiction 2012. January, 2013.