One in five teenage girls are hit by their boyfriends. More here. And 31% believed it was acceptable for a boy to act in an “aggressive” way if his girlfriend had cheated on him. My question is, did they ask men if they thought it was acceptable for their girlfiends to act “aggressive” if their boyfriends cheated on them? via Bird
And Jenn and I were just recently talking about the Pagan roots of Modern US holidays. via Feministe
Here’s some kids’ (well, eighth graders) takes on gender equality. What’s interesting is how many times the issue of women’s rights to equal participation in sports comes up as a major issue in developing gender equality.
First woman to row solo across the Pacific. Yea. That’s right. Rowing. Across an ocean. For 72 days. Remember that there are still people out there who think that women have “biological problems staying in a ditch for 30 days…” but they can row across the Pacific Ocean. Biology didn’t seem to get in the way of that, now, did it?