
Boys with babies and women with knives: Rethinking gender assumptionist power structures

I have been meaning to write a response to this article by Ursula LeGuin for some time. Needless to say, when she says stuff like, “It’s amazing, given their different physiology and complement of hormones, how much alike men and women are in most ways,” I want to tear my hair out. This stuff comes

Boys with babies and women with knives: Rethinking gender assumptionist power structures Read More »

WorldCon Schedule

So, hey, I’ve been a little distracted the last couple of weeks. But the good news is that it appears I have a more-or-less final schedule for WorldCon in Chicago from August 31st-September 3rd. I expect this schedule to change slightly before and perhaps even during the con (there appears to be some disorganization in

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