295 Miracles a Day
In this month’s Scientific American, Michael Shermer points out that, per the Theory of Large Numbers, those one-in-a-million miracles happen 295 times a day in America.
295 Miracles a Day Read More »
In this month’s Scientific American, Michael Shermer points out that, per the Theory of Large Numbers, those one-in-a-million miracles happen 295 times a day in America.
295 Miracles a Day Read More »
I find the 1/4 rule facinating. According to my social psychology Ph.D. candidate roommate, people believe that women make up 1/2 of any group when only about 1/4 of the group is populated by women. My roomie and I tested this theory on various movies and television shows. The “token” female anchor or female character
Exhausted. Lots going on this week. The boxing classes are kicking my ass, and work is ramping up into something like… actual work. In other news, it’s the same old battles. Makes me feel even more tired.
And you put one foot in front of the other… Read More »
And, I just have to share an almost blistering review of China Mieville’s latest, Iron Council. As the SF/F genre has a terrible tendency to overhype/overpraise their own, it was nice to see somebody take China to task for some of the purple prose. He’s got some great stuff, fantastic ideas, and I fully intend
According to this article 52% of Republicans polled believed a woman’s right to choose whether or not to have an abortion was a personal choice, and Roe vs. Wade should not be overturned. However: Substantially fewer Republicans than Democrats defined themselves as “pro-choice” even when they articulated pro-choice values, responding that they believe women “should
Pro-choice feminist vs. Pro-abortion Femi-Nazi? Read More »
I’ve just finished reading Susan Faludi’s Backlash (yes, I know, it’s a classic I have no excuses for not getting to sooner). It’s a fantastic, slightly exhausting and anger-provoking book about the backlash against women’s rights in the 80s. Now I’m reading about the latest on the mess of sexual harrassment against women and blatantly
via: feministing.com As many as one in ten college women suffer from a clinical or nearly clinical eating disorder, including 5.1% who suffer from bulimia nervosa. According to Washington Post writer Shankar Vedantam, women are over-represented in ads for psychiatric drugs and “are usually shown as being submissive, sexy or asleep.” Nothing sexier than a
What’s on my Plate… Read More »
I’m sorry. I laughed. And laughed. And laughed… Here’s the deal: I don’t think it makes you gay just because you beat off to images of Brad Pitt.
Turns out Cory Doctorow has a new book coming out. The cover art kicks ass. I survived another boxing class last night. I think I’m getting addicted to it. Trying to figure out how to up the number of classes I take every week. Ha.