Turns out Cory Doctorow has a new book coming out. The cover art kicks ass. I survived another boxing class last night. I think I’m getting addicted to it. Trying to figure out how to up the number of classes I take every week. Ha.
Turns out Cory Doctorow has a new book coming out. The cover art kicks ass. I survived another boxing class last night. I think I’m getting addicted to it. Trying to figure out how to up the number of classes I take every week. Ha.
My long weekend came and went. And look, I’m still here. Not much going on in the real world — Kerry actually has a VP that I might have considered voting for alone, so in tandem, well… (the election this year — as in the last whirlwind around — is a “lesser of two evils”
Another Day Another Dollar Read More »
It’s the beginning of a four-day weekend. Sitting here sipping black russians, going over agent query letters. Things at the day job are fantastic. Looks like I might be moving into writing bid proposals, which is a fantastic step. I’m excited. Life is fantastic. I am blessed. Enjoy every minute.
One of my favorite new characters for my latest novel, Over Burning Cities is Saronia. I wanted to make a POV character out of a drug whore — and make her a “hero” in the classic sense, as opposed to a villain. She’s going to be lots of fun: Chapter Three: Songan Saronia Chazhis Anaar
A Fun Little Drug Addict Read More »
So, I’ve been working on learning how to box for about four weeks now. There’s been some learning, but it’s not quick, and it’s not easy. I chose boxing because I liked the raw power of it. It’s brutal as opposed to beautiful. It’s taken me a long time to get used to the fact
Query letters, I’ve decided, are the bane of my existence. I hate them. I hate marketing. I think it’s ridiculous. I think that people should magically get paid to do things they’re passionate about. Unfortunatley, I’ve been told, mostly, it doesn’t work that way. After a 1 to 8 interest to flat rejects for my
Wow. Blogger rocks. Welcome to my blogspace. The Death of Alternate History SF? An interesting conversation about the dearth of female interest in alternate history SF and the lack of female writers/judges of Alt. History SF. Leguin, in one of her essays in her latest collection, A Wave in the Mind also discusses some interesting