Well, That’s Done
Registered for Wiscon today. I’d been back and forth about going for awhile, but Jackie was looking for a roommate, and *I* was looking for a roommate, and it started to seem like a good idea again. So, it’s on.
Registered for Wiscon today. I’d been back and forth about going for awhile, but Jackie was looking for a roommate, and *I* was looking for a roommate, and it started to seem like a good idea again. So, it’s on.
Wrote 1500 words today. Tonight, there’s nothing to clean because I caught up on all that on Saturday. Bills are paid and filed. Ate some cheese. Watched the first half of “Out of Africa.” Just reading the last 50 pages of Undertow. Already modded two ponies this month. I guess I could could go back
Actually, I Think I’m… Bored. Read More »
Nothing else to say, really. All 1500 of our stores open January 2nd. It is tax season, and the Crazy has just begun. Really, not a lot of tangible things happening. I don’t have much time to overthink, rethink, or contemplate. Still Too Much Boyfriend, but in a good way. I have added gymming, French,
I got my health reimbursement check today. Also, my endo loves me and filled out my paperwork so I can get one of these. Yay! I’m just getting my bloodwork done, and they’ll start negotiations with my insurance. Which now appears to be working. My A1c is a stupid 6.6, which, yes, is perfectly acceptable
There will be no Christmas presents this year. I spent $656 to come back to BG for the holidays. I certainly hope they enjoy the pleasure of my company, for lo, this is the reason there is no Christmas. That is all.
This is a tough time of year for me. I tend to get those holiday blues, often paired with that itching “what’s next?” feeling. It’s been a tough couple of years, full of craziness, moving, job layoffs, hospital stays, chronic illness, new jobs, new friends, breakups, get-togethers, and yes, quite a few accomplishments, the biggest
I continue to fight with my insurance company about my prescription benefits. The thousand dollar HRA that my company provided me is supposed to go toward our $1100 deductible, and according to my account online, is billed automatically. This has worked when I go into the actual doctor, but it’s not working for prescriptions. When
Diabetes: Levels of Care Read More »
Note that I have been forbidden to post photos of the Boyfriend, but here’s Thanksgiving at Casa de Dayton with Steph, Ian, Steph’s brother Josh, and our crazy dawgs. Here’s to many more. MMMMMMMMmmm. The boys do prep MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. PIE! Tender roast pork with cranberries and grapefruit. I think oranges would have been better, but
Thanksgiving: Casa De Dayton `07 Read More »