The Writing Life

Trope Avoidance: How to Stop Writing What Everyone Else is Writing

We’ve all experienced it: you’re reading along and you find a scene in a book that you could swear you’ve read a hundred times before – in some other book, or in some other show. There’s a formula to much traditional storytelling, especially the stuff that’s written and/or produced very quickly. Formulas are great for […]

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Work in Progress

Because not everything I write is bug and blood and deserts. Well, not all deserts, anyway. From the latest WIP, a short story titled, “Sense of Dark.” ————- Everything that mattered happened in the dark. It was eighteen in the morning, the deepest part of the black, with the promise of dawn another eight hours

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Quote of the Day

“(on the creation of gendered fantasy genres in bookstores)…. one which is full of boys’ stuff like blood and killing, which is for boys and which boys should read, and one which is full of stuff that girls enjoy, like blood and fucking, which is for girls and which girls should read.” I’m not sure

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