The Writing Life

Spring 2010

I was editing an RFI at work today that mentioned the date, “Spring 2010.” My immediate thought was, “My book comes out in Spring 2010.” I’ve started to associate that ENTIRE PHRASE “Spring 2010” with the release of God’s War. Heaven forbid when I actually get a solid release date.

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Writery Updatery

Now that GW line edits are back safely with my editor, I also have an official “first week of June” turn-in date for book 2, so it’s time to polish it up. Working on getting through the stalled line edits on Black Desert now so I can get it out to first readers by March

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Good Things

Narrowing in on a house rental within the right price range. Didn’t get the one we wanted, so we’re looking at a bigger house at the top of our rent range. Also negotiated with my current apartment complex, and they’re bringing the price down on a renovated 3 bedroom. Honestly, tho, I’d rather have a

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