The Writing Life


So, this is life without WoW. Holy crap, it is busy and full of things, yo. When you get your ass back to work, you start to wonder what the fuck you were doing the last two months. I really do like this life a lot better than the one I’ve been screwing around with

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Writerly Gooderly

Doing some stuff tonight that’s a lot like writing… like, uh, I’m a writer or something. For some reason, I don’t feel that writing copy for an insurance website all day really counts. But oh boy, my brain does. My brain is tired of insurance writing, and resume writing, and now book writing, oh my.

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To Do

Black Desert line edits (20 pages)Black Desert actual rewrite based on editsBlack Desert peeps sendoffBabylon writing scheduleBabylon Chapter 1 (come hell, high water, first person narration…)Send requested story subs CB script for GWFinish Jax short story Get library cardGet Babylon research matsBudget update w/receipt calcSign up for classes at SinclairGym swim (in addition to regular

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Yes, I finally bought it (yes, current content is a placeholder only). The totally awesome Tyim Courts is currently hip deep in site design. Things will be moving over there slowly but surely (in about two weeks!). You will all be jealous when you see it!! Read More »

Writerly Bookery

I expected to be asked for my website address and author photo from my publisher at some point… I did not expect that that would be this week. Crap. It’s almost November already, isn’t it? Well, I’ll just send them the new URL when I have it. But the author photo really should be done

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