The Writing Life

Back to the Trenches

Just about done with the first pass on Black Desert line edits. Not actually typing them in, mind, just bleeding over the manuscript, which is a mess (yes, that sounds messy, doesn’t it?). There’s this very obvious chunk of the book where I’m just dithering away until I can come up with the ending (ie […]

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The Writing Life

Book checks. They are a tricky thing. Everybody tells you not to rely on them coming on time -or even at all! -but there’s this part of you that’s always planning and scheming and hoping and budgeting, regardless. I’ve been putting off some purchases for awhile because I keep thinking, “You know, it would be

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Next Project

I’ve been contemplating what project to take up after I finish Babylon, mainly because it’s never too early to start doing book research and working out plot points. Basically, I can work on the 5-book fantasy saga about genocide, polyamorous matriarchy, and the end of the world, or I can write the standalone book about

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Got Dirt?

When you google an author you like, what are you looking for? I mean, sure, I’d like to know other books that they’ve written, so I can buy more. But mainly, these days: I’m looking for dirt. Oh, sure, if I’m in love with their world, it’s nice to have maps and characters and forums

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