The Writing Life

Cheap Thrills

I went out to lunch with the guys at work today, so I decided not to go to a show or bowling or anything tonight (it’s all a tradeoff. I really needed to get out of the office, and I like hanging out with the guys, but I spent about $5 more than I wanted

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Used in conversation with the web designer working on the GW site, while brainstorming some themes: “Retro-cyberpunky” It’s funny, when you don’t have a word that describes exactly what you want, you sort of just cobble them together from existing words. Because I think what I meant was, you know, steampunk without the steam, but

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Writing: Do Not Want

I take my finals for my econ and marketing classes this weekend, and then school is officially over, major work deadlines and raise-related stress are done, and it’s full-on book mode for the rest of the summer. AND YES MY ENTIRE BEING IS REBELLING AGAINST THIS HARSH REALITY. DO. NOT. WANT. But it’s time to

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Learning How to Write… And Write. And Promote What You Write

One of the great things about the day job is that I’ve been learning how to write in so many different modes. I’ve written training scripts, marketing scripts, brochures, newsletters, blurbs, SOPs, various scripts for franchise recruting videos, the occasional press release, resumes, bios, SEO optimized web copy, regular web copy, funding proposals, and much

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Do you ever get the feeling that you’re the only one not having a good time? I miss my apartment. Socializing takes way too much out of me these days. The older I get, the harder it is. When I had a wingman at a con who enjoyed the social part, it was a lot

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