The Writing Life


While at dinner last night with Steph and the Old Man, it was pointed out to me that memorial day weekend is THIS WEEKEND. This knowledge took a deep moment to sink in while I stared at the calendar. “I need to change my plane tickets, then,” I said calmly. Because for some reason, I’d

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Yup (scroll down to comments). When God’s War comes out, I’m going to get my ASS kicked. Yeah, I’m already preparing for that Wiscon. This is why I love this genre. Cause people call all of us writers on our bullshit. It’s the only way you can get better.

Damn. Read More »

Coming Attractions

On Friday, I managed to get WoW working on my computer. This boon, paired with a gentle nudge from Jackie, finally got me off my ass, and I made plane ticket reservations for Wiscon. I already had my membership, and Jackie had a couple roommates bail, so there’s really no excuse not to go except

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I’m always curious to see how other people write books. Mainly because mine are always such a damn mess. When I hit the 3/4 mark, I have to go back and hack apart all the pacing. It’s all about timing action scenes and shuffling POV scenes into the right order. Putting in additional POV scenes

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Sex Change

The fact that the two primary folks who put Nyx back together again are men really bothers me. So one of them will be getting a sex change. I mean, not within the book (though that certainly would be something interesting to explore in this weird body-swapping world… hm…), but an authorial one. Sometimes I

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The Contract Arrives!!!!!

Happy author~~!!!!! Happy contract! Description of the future goods to be delivered…. For those who can’t read the smallish text, it reads: “Each work shall be a Middle Eastern-inspired fantasy novel featuring organic technicians, brawling mullahs, swarms of magician-trained locusts, and a former government assassin turned bounty hunter.” Yes, yes they will. I love my

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Dear Hobb

Um. Two words: Time management. Writing is writing. Manage your writing in the way that makes the most sense for you. If you’re bleeding all over blogs and not bleeding enough in your fiction, stop blogging. If you get satisfaction from both, manage both. If you write about insurance and tax prep at your day

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