The Writing Life


Got an official 1099 from Hartwell for my Year’s Best SF sale. That was quite nice, actually. Most short sales don’t send you 1099s. I honestly couldn’t remember if I’d made $75 or $100 for it. Yes, all you dewy-eyed young writers out there: making a Year’s Best Sale will net you an incredible $100!! […]

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It’s in the Walk

One of the details I put into GW was a nod to the fact that Rhys, my magician, was good at reading people. He knew a bel dame (a bounty hunter/draft dodger police type of person) just by looking at them. Trouble with this “detail” was, I used that whole “Well, he just KNEW” language.

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Recommended Reading

The Copywriter’s Handbook, by Robert Bly. As noted, I write just about everything at my job, from intranet news to forum Q&A to magazine blurbs to policy documents to press releases. And this book shows you how to write, well, just about everything. So it’s a good fit. I love the versatility of this little

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I find it vaguely embarrassing that I have an epic fantasy series that requires a detailed character list. Not just to keep myself straight, but to unconfuse confused readers. I hate these things, because I feel like your characters should all be fleshed out enough that nobody gets them confused, even if you’ve got a

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Snapshots from the Writing Life

Snapshots from the life of a tech-writer-working-for-health-insurance (who also happens to be a freelance-fiction-author-working-to-pay-off-credit-card-debt-and-maintain-sanity): 5:35 am: Wake up, test sugar and check email. Take 15 u Lantus shot and breakfast bolus. Shots always come first thing. 5:35-5:50am: morning free weights and situps routine. I don’t wake up properly until I do this. 5:50-6:05am: Make today’s

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Ahhhh, right.

Another good reason to watch Rome. Cause I found Nyx: OK, so she needs to be taller, darker and put on ten more pounds of muscle, but watch her take on the guys in Rome (in every way), and oh yeah – that’s Nyx. I love it when that happens. But why aren’t they writing

Ahhhh, right. Read More »

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