The Writing Life

Letting Go

One of the hardest parts about writing professionally; that is, writing in the corporate world, is letting go of things you know you could do better if you just had more time. Deadlines come hard and fast. You often don’t have enough information to work with (and sometimes you’re just making up filler with no

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Why is it I find it so difficult to write happy family scenes? I mean, I actually had quite a wonderful, happy childhood. It’s not like I don’t have material to draw from. I think I just don’t find happy childhood scenes all that interesting.

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Novel Gazing

Tim’s got a post up where he looks at the first lines of his novels, and it got me curious at to what all of mine looked like. No doubt there’s a hell of a lot of other huge differences between where I was when I wrote my first book and where I am now,

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