
The Evils of Potter

So there’s this gabe person who lurks on SF/F boards. He employs the use of words like “putzfucker” to “wake up” his “audience” (all three of them), deletes posts from all but his groupies, and tries to make noise even in the most upstanding of debates where heavy hitters like Robson, M. John and Mieville […]

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Fat Isn’t a Health Issue

From: The Impact of Weight on Your Wallet A study by John Cawley, a professor of policy analysis at Cornell, found that overweight Caucasian women earn 9 percent less than those with svelte silhouettes. And a University of Michigan study reported that the total net worth of moderately to severely obese women falls as much

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What I’m Reading

So, I have a confession… I read Conan novels. Yes, that’s right. The old-school Robert Howard Conan books with the lurid covers of gigantic barbarian man slaying Nameless Terror. Now, I know better than to read these books. I occasionally tote one of them with me on the train and giggle my way through my

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I was watching Girlfight again last night, and enjoying it infinitely more now that I had a conception of what exactly it takes to learn stance, do lots of jump roping, and try and get the combo punches down (“watch your footwork!” “don’t overextend, snap out, bring it back against your body,” “keep your hand

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