Strange Days
Why is it that the happiest scenes are always the hardest for me to write? Maybe because, in my books, happy scenes always mean the worst is about to happen.
Why is it that the happiest scenes are always the hardest for me to write? Maybe because, in my books, happy scenes always mean the worst is about to happen.
I think doing back-to-back chapters of Rhys-and-Nyx-expositing-over-tea to Nyx-and-Khos-expositing-over-beer is going to be just a little exhausting. Time to break and re-group.
It occurred to me tonight that if Nyx had a blog it would be really awesome. Thing is, Nyx is a really shitty writer. Also, I have too little free time to assist with such endeavors. Blast.
Finish writing another fucking Rhys chapter. Chapters from his POV are STILL the hardest.
How to make bit characters interesting who are loved and adored by your secondary character but who are going to get killed in about, oh, three chapters. I mean, I know *he* likes them quite a lot, but, you know, *I* don’t want to get attached, because then they’ll try and figure out a way
Writing Challenge of the Day Read More »
I think I’m writing about my first non-dysfunctional couple! How quaint! And holy crap! I don’t think I have any idea how to do this!
I’ve seen Cory’s post about comments moderation in several other places, but I wanted to post a link to it here because Fear of Trolls is a subject that’s come up a *lot* among women bloggers (and has been one of the most-attended panels at the Blogher conference, I’ve heard). Cory’s primary “troll whisperer” example
Africa is a continent. Not a country. That is all.
Dear American Idol, Read More »
Like everything I’ve seen of Tarantino’s, Grindhouse is a rollicking good ride, but a disturbing, uncomfortable one that remixes cliches and then one-ups them by taking everything just that much further than anybody else does. You want blood and gore? Oh, indeed, there will be blood! Buckets! Cheesy dialogue? You bet! Strippers with hearts of