Been working on figuring out an exercise schedule that doesn’t involve me paying out the ass every month. I turned my daily lunchtime powerwalk into a walk/jog yesterday, and that worked well. The route’s 40 minutes at my current pace (as I get faster, I can extend it), so if I bring a towel to work to wipe myself down and just go for it, I can get in my daily jog at work every day and not worry about, “But I’m home now,” workout laziness.
Add my weight routine (15-20 min) in the morning, and I’m pushing over an hour of exercise a day. The goal is to add in 20 min of pilates when I get home at night (I have two 20 min workouts that I can alternate), and I can push that to an hour and a half of exercise 5 days a week.
Not too shabby.
Still miss hitting stuff, and I’m looking for a cheap punching bag that I can use to work off stress and keep up my punching practice while I try to save up the money I’ve been spending on the gym.
When the money situation eases off, I can go back to formal training. Until then, I gotta make do.