Good Morning, Chiklits

Sorted things out this weekend. It was a pretty shotgun of a week, and I had roommate stuff and relationship stuff to work out. The house is stocked up with victuals once again, we’ve got a week-night cooking schedule worked out, and I’m feeling level-headed enough to get back to the gym (I only went once last week. The goal is 3-4 times a week).

Oddly enough, after beating myself up about weight issue the last few years and up-and-down binge cycles and sporadic exercise schedules and deprevation followed by binging, what everybody tells you really is true. Now that I’m actually eating 2200 calories a day and lifting heavier weights, I’m fitting way better into my clothes. Even after a crazy week like last week when I only went in once.

And the kicker is that I’m not even killing myself doing it. There’s a huge belief that you’ve gotta feel like you’re gonna die after a workout and not eat anything in order to see any kind of change, but you know, I’m not killing myself. I even cut my cardio from 40 to 30 minutes to get in a little more weights time, and I’m still fitting more and more easily into my clothes.

I like not killing myself at the gym. I enjoy it as some “downtime” for myself, particularly because I now have two roommates, so getting some space to myself is healthy for all invovled. It’s nice.

So, to sum up: I’m still tired, feeling slightly brain-dead, but last week’s stress shouldn’t be repeated this week, all willing. I think that’s sorted out.

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