I’ve spent the last week or so mourning (again) the loss of my martial arts and boxing classes.
A lot of it was the money. Paying $120 a month was killing me. So was the commute. Going downtown and back two or three times a week, catching buses, trains, transferring, was wearing me out. I was also plugged into making class times, whereas with a gym, I’ve got more freedom as to when I go. And a lot of it was that the last few months (like, FOUR) of my membership, I just wasn’t going. I had a bunch of flying to do with the job earlier this year, then problems with the pill, then three months of hell while my body adjusted to the IUD.
But I miss it. A lot.
I miss beating the crap out of stuff twice a week, working out my aggression. I miss hanging out in a class with a bunch of buff people, many of whom are women who aren’t afraid to look buff. I miss the rush of confidence after class. I miss that kind of strength.
Sure, I go to the gym, and I’m looking buffer now than I did then, actually, cause I’m targeting other stuff and eating much better than I did while in MA classes.
But there’s something different that happens when you beat stuff up for a few hours a week. Something different in the way you hold yourself, the way you look at people. And I miss that.
The first thing I do when I move next year is find a boxing gym.
I mean, after I get a job.
Yea. Sure.