MIRROR EMPIRE is out! Buy from B&N & Get Second Book… FREE

Yes, you read that right. We’ll be giving out up to 250 free digital ARCS (that’s Advance Reader Copies) to anyone who buys THE MIRROR EMPIRE from a physical Barnes and Noble location from August 26th-September 8th. You’ll be emailed your free digital copy of EMPIRE ASCENDANT BEFORE the book is available for general release – at the same time as general reviewers. 

That’s fine, you say, but what do I get NOW?

Well, for buying a physical copy of MIRROR EMPIRE from Barnes & Noble from August 26th-September 8th you will ALSO receive a free signed bookplate sent to the snail mail address you provide to us. This bookplate, in fact (only, you know, signed!):

Bookplate final

How to get your FREE bookplate and FREE Advance Reader Copy of EMPIRE ASCENDANT:


b&n promo

Questions? Here’s Why We’re Running this Promo

Q: What’s the difference between an Advance Reader Copy and the final version of the book?

A: Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) are not-quite-final versions of the text. They’ll likely be missing a map and updated glossary, and will have some typos that we haven’t caught yet. These typically only go out to approved reviewers, but I had so many fans ask for them with MIRROR EMPIRE that I felt it’d be fun to send them to super fans early as part of this deal.

Q: What the hell is a bookplate?

A: It’s a sticker you can put in the front pages of the book that contains my signature. That way it’s like I signed your book even though we were never in the same room! It’s like magic.

Q: I already ordered a copy of THE MIRROR EMPIRE somewhere else/I don’t live near a Barnes and Noble. Do I have to buy a copy of THE MIRROR EMPIRE from Barnes and Noble to get my free reader copy and bookplate?

A: Yes, you need to buy a physical copy of the book from Barnes and Noble. Buy one for a friend (or have them buy one for you!) and just take a picture of it (or have them take a pic) with the receipt! Generosity!

Q: My Barnes and Noble doesn’t have/is out of THE MIRROR EMPIRE but I still want the ARC and bookplate! What should I do?

A: Go up to the counter and order it directly from the bookstore. I realize this is annoyingly old school, but that’s why we’re offering the next book free if you go through with this. Physical bookstore orders are that important.

Q: I only read digital books/I don’t like Barnes and Noble. Why do I have to buy a physical copy from Barnes and Noble?

A: Barnes and Noble placed a not-bad order for my books (a couple thousand). To be frank, my third book did not sell well in physical form, and it’s made it difficult to convince booksellers to place big orders for my books (and been a sticking point in getting publishers to pick up new work from me).

Angry Robot has paid for table placement for THE MIRROR EMPIRE from August 26th-September 8th at Barnes and Noble. If we can prove to Barnes and Noble that there is demand for this book, they will order more. Larger orders for this book means larger orders for the next book, and can help me avoid the dreaded low-order death spiral so many authors get caught in. Trust me. This is a big deal. I could seriously use your support here, and I’m looking to sweeten this deal in whatever way I can.

Thanks to everyone! I look forward to sending you your bookplates and ARCs!

Remember: send your receipt and snail mail address toXXX during the August 26th-September 8th giveaway window.

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