So, I cashed out my 401(K) so I could pay $360 a month for “catastrophic” health insurance, which means they don’t pay anything toward any of my medical costs until after I pay $2500 out of pocket. No co-pays, no 50% and certainly no 80% of anything, until I cough $2500 out of my ass this year.
For $1615, I have this dubious form of health insurance through the end of March, which might be real useful if I, like, get hit by a car (knock on wood). Otherwise, basically, I just blew $1615 and gave the government a nice chunk of my retirement savings in the form of taxes.
And I just got my doctor’s bill for my January appointment:
Office visit: $90
Comp Metabolic Profile: $50
Hemoglobin A1C: $50
BC/RP DF (no idea what this is): $20
THEN I got the medical bill from the actual LAB that does the work:
Hemoglobin, Glycosylated: $45.50
Comprehen Metabolic Panel: $50
So where am I supposed to get this “extra” $305 when I make $1999 a month and my bills are $1900 a month?
I seriously considered not going to the doctor again until I have health insurance (I mean, REAL insurance), and then I realized that the medical system has insured that I can’t do that: I *have to pay someone* to give me my insulin prescriptions.
I have to pay them not only for my meds, but for the privilege of getting the meds that keep me alive.
God bless America.