After much wringing of hands and moaning over our $900 rent payment and crazy utility bills, J. and I decided to downsize.
We can afford our current place perfectly during the summer and passably during the winter, but we’re looking for a place we could afford should one of us lose our jobs. Crazy economy, and all. We also wanted something with a slightly more efficient heating system (no more radiators!), a fenced yard, a garage, and a liberal pet policy that would let us have a dog.
Enter our solution: $665 a month. Slightly better neighborhood. 2 car garage. Forced air heat. 700 sq feet smaller. Still has 3 bedrooms. Lacks a shower upstairs, but has one downstairs. Needs some extra 3-prong plugs upstairs, but we’ve got them in the kitchen and upstairs in what will be J’s office (I have no problem using converters. He shudders at the thought).
We’ll still be paying out the ass for utilities during Dec/Jan/Feb, but the furnace is more efficient and total sq ft is smaller, and I’ve learned my lesson about the whole “put plastic sheeting over the windows” thing. I detest the white trash idea of “winterizing” my house with plastic sheeting. But then, I grew up in the PNW, where it doesn’t generally get below 40 degrees for very long. Winterizing is still a foreign idea. We’re def. doing it next year.
We’ve filled out all the paperwork, so we’ll see how it turns out. Move date would be around March 15th.