Note to Self:

Though I may, in fact, be sitting up listening to Chris Pureka songs on repeat, posting the lyrics of said songs, in this instance, might make this look like some kind of teenage angst blog, and I’m not particularly angsting tonight.

But man, sometimes songs feel so good. It’s not just lyrics, just as fiction isn’t just words. It’s telling the story with emotion, with passion; it’s drawing that all up out of me and making me feel it all over again.

Evoking those pent up emotions – anger, pain, love, joy, heartache, betrayal, hope, rage – somehow validates them, and when they’re validated, you can channel them into something powerful. Instead of it being a weakness, all that passion becomes a strength. It drives you.

That’s magic, I think. And power.

I love being a writer, yo. I want to be a writer this good, this passionate. I don’t want to just tell you about it – I want you to feel it.

So anyway:

Driving North

Great album.

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Future Artifacts

Brutal. Devastating. Dangerous. Join an investigation into a cruel and heartless leader … crawl through filth and mud to escape biological warfare … team up with time-traveling soldiers faced with potentially life-altering instructions. Kameron Hurley, award-winning author and expert in the future of war and resistance movements, has created eighteen exhilarating tales giving glimpses into […]

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