Blaine came in this morning and asked me how to print out his contact list from Outlook. I had no idea, but looked it up on Outlook Help and walked him through it.
Yellow came in a while later:
“Kameron, you’re a writer. You know all about this spelling stuff. How do you spell wussify?”
“Huh? Like, somebody who’s a wuss?”
“Yea, yea. They’re a wuss, and by doing something crappy, you’re wussified.”
“Wussify isn’t a real word, Yellow.”
“Yea, yea, but if it was, how would you spell it?
“It’s not… oh, nevermind. W-U-S-S-I-F-Y.”
“Oh, great thanks. See, I knew you’d know how to spell it.”
::Yellow bumbles off::
I call after him, “Wussify is NOT A REAL WORD!”
“It’s OK. All the guys’ll know what I’m talking about!”
This is what I do for a living.