Was moving through the archives, and found this little piece about what I learned in 2004.
You know, sometimes, I just need to listen to my own advice:
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
Here’s this year’s: there are often long stretches of downtime on the road to where you’re going. You know, those long stretches of highway between New York and LA, or the shitty stretches of nowheresville between Seattle and Chicago – but those distances, those driving times, are neccessary to get to where you need to go.
2004 has been a shitty stretch of midwestern highway, with road stops along the way like Toledo’s Tallest Tree & Billy Bob’s Lint Museum, intercut by signposts that say stuff like “Civilization: 2000 miles,” and the car has mostly run pretty good, but it overheated once (luckily, I keep a couple gallons of water in the back), and got a couple of flats (ever since my roadtrip to Skagway, I keep two spares in the trunk), and there was the odd problem with something hanging off the engine that was resolved by tying a couple of choice parts back together with a shoelace before I got to stop off at the shop and get it fixed proper, and I didn’t stop for any hitchhikers along the way, but I felt bad about it. I’m now consulting a really confusing map somewhere in the Salt Flats of Utah on my way to the ocean, and yea, I’m stronger and more confident, and I’m getting better rejection slips, but I can’t see the ocean yet, likely because I’m just not ready to see it yet. Likely because I need to pick up a few hitchhikers and learn how to play the harmonica and trade in the car for a motorcycle, but I switched from fast-food to granola bars sometime back, and I’ve got better shoes and a good pair of sunglasses, and there’s nothing so cool as arriving at the seashore on a sweet-ass motorcycle, wearing a floppy newsboy cap as my striped scarf streams behind me, and maybe that’s the whole point.
There’s a place I want to be. This is the road I’m taking to get there.
I don’t mind that it’s a long road. It just means I’ll be a more interesting person by the time I get there.
Amen to that.