
Prometheus: White Dudes Seeding the Universe with their Magical Man-Sperm (Naturally)

NOTE: This post assumes you have already watched Prometheus, so is full of SPOILERS. In the world of Prometheus, we all came from white dudes, who went around seeding the universe with their magical, life-giving sperm. It was a fine feat those boys managed, creating whole worlds all on their own. I can’t help but […]

Prometheus: White Dudes Seeding the Universe with their Magical Man-Sperm (Naturally) Read More »

When did journalism…

When did journalism go from this: “This thing happened. Here are the factual details of what happened as verified by our in-house reporter. Here is a quote from someone supporting this fact. Here is a quote from someone who explains how this fact will affect your immediate situation. Here are the facts again. Here’s where

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I’ve been thinking a lot about women and power. J. and I went to see John Carter last week, but this isn’t really a rant about John Carter, which has its own issues. What particularly struck me was when J. pointed out that he was surprised to see so many women background characters in the

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